The Bridger Canyon Women’s Club is a social community group for residents of Bridger Canyon. The mission of the Bridger Canyon Women’s Club is to support its members, the residents of Bridger Canyon, and its affiliated organizations including the Bridger Canyon Fire Department and the Bridger Canyon Historic Preservation Association.
The Bridger Canyon Women’s Club holds monthly meetings which are not only social gatherings but also involve programs and speakers, meant to better the lives of Bridger Canyon Residents through education and social awareness. The Bridger Canyon Women’s Club encourages its members to participate in a variety of special interest groups and join committees, which in turn, benefits the club, the community, and strengthens the members as a whole.
Learn more at the Bridger Canyon Women’s Club website.
Bridger Canyon Women’s Club History
- 1917 – The Bridger Canyon Women’s Club Ladies were first organized as a Red Cross Chapter and served in that capacity for 5 years.
- 1922 – The club became the “Happy Day Club” and adopted a constitution and by-laws considered to be the first for the present club. Their objective was for the “up building of the community and the relief of the sick and distressed.”
- 1958 – The Happy Day Club became the Bridger Canyon Home Demonstration Club, and performed services in civil defense and many charitable causes until 1964 when they terminated their Home Demonstration Club affiliation.
- 1978 – From 1978 to 1981 the Bridger Canyon Women’s Club was part of the Federated Women’s Clubs, but voted to operate independently, and they have continued in that manner with worthwhile projects and goals for the improvement of life in Bridger Canyon.
- Present – The club remains a vibrant organization and holds meetings the second Wednesday of each month, September through May.